god walked with adam and eve in the garden

They were not merely spiritual beings at that point. We did not know, nor trained ourselves to do that and now see our own child in the consequences. In a similar way, we are told in the New Testament to walk in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). But its entirely different to claim that the Bible teaches or implies that they did when there just arent any statements in the text that teach or imply that position. So there is no need to appeal to some sort of walk in the garden for them to know Gods voice. It also seems to assume that they were in the garden for quite a while when they almost certainly were not there for long at all. However, most people inevitably mention . Or maybe they read Gods mind. when they heard God they hid from Him. But arguments from silence are not strong arguments to build a positive case for something. I dont really hear anyone saying, The Bible says Adam and Eve never walked with God in the garden, but if I did, then Id correct that as well. But even if that happens to be the right way to look at it, then it may still be correct to view this as a theophany. This could be literally translated "the wind of that day." Some think this might refer to a strong wind. Now we do not see You any more. I think too often we read ideas into a passage that might be accurate, but then through the years, our interpretation of the passage is taken as a given that it must be true. It seems from Scripture that they lived on manna exclusively. God asks them if they had eaten from the tree, but He already knows the answer. Perhaps some people may have this figurative sense in mind when they speak of our first parents walking with God. If you must doubt something, I think you would have to doubt that. Hebrews 13:8 God is the same yesterday, and to day and forever more. Please do look it up, and if you find it, let me know, so I can apologize and correct this post. It doesn't say they viewed God with their eyes. The difficulties of translation, plus inevitable translator bias, can complicate getting a true understanding. Im not sure what this has to do with whether they walked with God in the garden. Lastly, as scripture verifies scripture, we see the second Adam, known as Jesus Christ in regular and perpetual contact with the same God and Father. Maybe they did, but the text doesnt tell us that. As I mentioned in the conclusion of the article, it is certainly possible that the Lord walked with Adam and Eve, and if He did, then it may well have been the preincarnate Christ who walked with them. What if the coats of skin were actually human skin as we have now. The idea that one could walk with God, after all, had been a possible reality only once before, in Genesis 3:8, where Adam and Eve hear "the sound of the Lord God walking about in the garden." Adam and Eve were called to a radical intimacy with God, one that they forfeited through their sin, which resulted in their expulsion from Eden and . However, God could have manifested himself as a human being, but this would not be the glorious spirit being that he actually is. Well, in Genesis 2, Adam names the animals, and the only words quoted from him in Gen. 2 have to do with what he said when he met Eve: This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh (Genesis 2:23). Every description used can also be said about the angelic beings. From this view, Adam and Eve were with God in the Garden for a whileand they had the privilege of regularly hanging out with Him. It seems likely that many people have just remembered some of the wording in this verse and assumed that it says Adam and Eve walked with God. As you supposed, God did provide water for the animals too. How many pastors and other teachers have taught that the Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God in the garden? However, the walk in these passages should probably be understood in a figurative sense. Im not opposed to this idea. For those of you who are unaware, this one major question is mainly centered around Genesis 3:8 where it stated "Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the lord as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the lord God among the trees of the garden.". Adam and Eve obeyed God. This post isnt about whether they enjoyed fellowship with Him prior to sin and walked with Him in a metaphorical sense. Adam replies saying that he hid because he heard the sound of God. the Word of God walked in Eden. If God was in spirit form hiding would make no sense, how can you hide from someone you cant see? They hide among the trees. So when the text says that Adam heard the sound of the Lord moving in the garden, it doesnt necessarily mean that Adam knew right away that it was God making the noise. As I stated in the article and numerous times in the comments section, I have no trouble believing that they walked with God, but it is unwise for Christians to claim that the Bible says they did. Interesting post. This verse appears immediately after our first parents rebelled against the Creator. Personal fellowship with God is at the very heart of our purpose for being! If how we are not that naive to believe that this is a new thing with Him, no we can reasonably infer that God spent time with Adam and Eve. No the bible didnt directly say they walked with God. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. Adam and Eve and God literally walking next to each other in perfect harmony. The anthropomorphic description of God walking (mithallek) in the garden suggests the enjoyment of fellowship between him and our first parents. If you eat from the tree in the middle of the garden, you will die!". As God had promised, they became mortal. It bothers me that I have believed the Bible stated this, and that I have told other people it says this for so long, and I have read the first three chapters of Genesis so many times. He put the Man he had just made in it. God walking with people normally suggests closeness and intimacy and fellowship. But there is no need to make the text say something it doesnt. We read that God planted a garden and placed Adam there to tend it ( Genesis 2:8, 15 ). Then let the land rest on the seventh year right? Finally, there are many who use the idea of Adam and Eve actually walking with God to stress the theological point of mans closeness to God prior to sin in order to contrast that with mans lost condition after sin. But even these passages do not necessarily imply that Enoch and Noah physically took walks with God. So there minds were NOT YET CORRUPTED until God ALLOWED there FREE WILL to be tested, just as the Father through the Holy Spirit ALLOWED Christ Jesus to be tested in the wilderness. Later that day, God was walking in the Garden of Eden. Considering that each year subtracted from Cain and Abels ages at the time of Abels murder could be added to Adam and Eves time in the Garden, its quite possible that Adam and Eve spent many years in the Garden, which would make their sin all that more sorrowful. Thanks for this article, it was an interesting read. Adam and Eve got to literally hang out with God all day long, face to face. Regardless, my point is that Adam was familiar enough to recognized it was God. So what if he didnt say the words in genesis one would think you would be wise enough to figure it out its not hard. God formed Adam from the dust and breathed His own life into the man (Genesis 2:7). Song of Solomon 4:6. Adam and Eve, according to the Old Testament, are the First Humans who ever walked on earth from which all humans descended. If you had bothered to read the post, you would have read these words: My post is not arguing against the idea that Adam and Eve had some sort of relationship with the Lord prior to the Fall. 14Today you are driving me from the land, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me.. You cant see that god desires to walk with his people and expects rhem to walk with him? It seems so trivial. In order to answer the question of why God created Adam and Eve naked we first need to look as some Scriptures which show that the Bible uses clothing is a symbol of our character. Hi Mel, Since the Bible doesnt make this claim, its impossible to know for sure where people get the idea from. They had all they could ever want. is not an accurate analogy. Song of Solomon 2:17. I believe this issue is often promoted by people with certain theological perspectives who want to show how much damage sin did to our relationship with God. They got to take walks with him, check out the animals, enjoy the beau They are not taking a leisurely stroll with God, they are hiding from Him as He comes to announce His judgment. I have a problem with telling people that the Bible says they did this. He never showed him self He when He was showing himself to Moses and the others He revealed himself to in some other form. Im not sure what that accomplishes other than allowing for the possibility that they might have, which is something I have said from the start. 2 keep my sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary.3 IF YOU WALK IN MY STATUTES AND KEEP MY COMMANDMENTS AND DO THEM 4 then I will give you rain in due season and the land shall give her increase and the trees of the field shall yield there fruit. What does it even mean? And how many times is this a supporting argument for a main point or the main point itself? Even if this translation is accurate, which is debatable, it does not say that they walked with God. The texts of Genesis 1-3 outright tell us ONLY what is necessary for our understanding of the events from Creation to the Fall, not of side issues that mean nothing for a proper interpretation of these texts. What do you think?? One good example is Leviticus 26:12 AND I WILL WALK AMONG YOU AND BE YOUR GOD. No? And it was a good animal and God was pleased. God speaks, asking Adam where he is. Notice that I said that I would argue that they are probably made in His image. I didnt claim that there was a clear cut and dry case that is beyond dispute. My argument wouldnt focus on the things you mentioned. The Hebrew Bible depicts Adam and Eve as walking around the Garden of Eden naked due to their sinlessness. But what did they actually hear that made them afraid? Thanks for your thoughts. Who was Cain afraid of? But that is not what it says, so Im trying to help people avoid teaching false ideas about Scripture. 9 And JEHO. Then brought Eve to him. Thats the one where I spend time talking about the ages of Cain and Abel. No, the One they were hiding from was one they were familiar with walking in the garden. Ive heard far too many people claim, The Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God in the cool of the day. Thats simply false. We know that God was with Adam and Eve at all times and wherever they were. It would be far better to use a supporting argument that has a strong biblical basis. Genesis 2:8 (NKJV). I must stand corrected as I also remembered Adam and Eve walking in the cool of the afternoon with God. 19 Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, >>>>>and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. With this particular issue, the reason I addressed it is because I hear it so frequently. Then God shared his thoughts to Abraham of judging Sodom and Gomorrah. To spend time with Him. Thats the point of this post. Do you think that statement is a stepping stone for misleading Gods people? they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the gardenThe divine Being appeared in the same manner as formerlyuttering the well-known tones of kindness, walking in some visible form (not running hastily, as one impelled by the influence of angry feelings). Also, when Adam and Eve were created, I dont believe they were automatically filled with knowledge as how to take care of themselves, the animals, the garden,etc Again, Im not opposed to the idea at all, but the text just never says it. But what did they actually hear that made them afraid? Maybe He was physically there throughout the short time that they were in the Garden, but I have my doubts., By a plain reading, Genesis 2:7 and 2:22c reasonably are inferred to imply that the place where God formed Adam, and then Eve, was a place some way *outside* of the garden (and this place likely being that of the shore of a river or a sea). When everything fell apart, so did the people. When he made Eve, he took a rib, closed up Adams side with flesh and then he brought the woman to Adam. I am simply trying to point people back to Scripture as Ive done in many other posts in my Misused Verses series. "Until the cool of the day when the shadows flee away, Turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle. God had told them to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Of course, from this view God was perceiveably with the pre-Fallen Adam and Eve, so that they had the privilege of regularly hanging out with Him. But Adam and Eve were almost certainly not in the Garden very long prior to their Fall. Adam and Eve were the first human beings, from whom every other human being descends. To find out why God made you we have to look in the Bible. Genesis 2:15-17 doesn't provide many details, 15 Then the Lord God took the man and put him into the garden of Eden to cultivate it and keep it. Hi Ed, And they heard the sound of the Lord God, walking in the garden. In each case, they are basing their ideas on something that isnt stated in Scripture. The first consequence of Adam and Eve's momentous decision to reject God's revelation was a . This concept is very helpful and it incorporates all of the othersintelligence, communication, worship, dominion, an eternal soul. Its one thing to believe that Adam and Eve walked with God and to recognize that its based on some fairly reasonable assumptions. I know this article about Adam and Eve walking with God in the Garden is over 6 years old, but I just now discovered it. I looked in Genesis, Psalms and even searched for New Testament references. I think all conservative Christians would agree that this happened. This is what most people have in mind when they speak of the Lord walking with Adam and Eve. They turned to their own ways, sinful ways. He knew good because he once served God; he then knew evil because he committed evil in his rebellion from the Father. They could not walk in the garden naked anymore, and they had to defend their actions. Its not that the inferences are necessarily wrong, its that they should not be mistaken for the Word of God. 2. Because at this time there are only three people left from the list. 8 Then the man and his wife heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the breeze of the day, and they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God among the trees of the garden. Haha very eye opening. If you want to try to build a case for the possibility, thats fine with me too. Who was his wife? They consisted of both physical and spiritual components, just like all of their descendants, although originally they were without sin. What an amazing thing to be able to do. I think your comments were probably addressing this point though (http://midwestapologetics.org/blog/?p=1747). He may have seen the trees and the garden as God spoke those words, but he probably hadnt eaten yet. God cannot look upon sin ( Habakkuk 1:13) and that's why He told Moses no one can see His face and live ( Exodus 33:20 ). The parts of the claim that are not in quotes are my reasonable inferences of your intent, given what you do *say verbatim*. I think that would be fantastic. In Job, God spoke out of the whirlwind. Hi Janice, We'll come across one more tree towards the end of the chapter. There isnt a verse like this about Adam and/or Eve. I see familiarity here. 16 The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; 17 but from the tree of the knowledge of good and . And therefore, it seems to me familiarity was brought about by regular communion/ communication/ visits from the Lord. For Adam to know that the sound he heard was the sound of God, he must have heard it before. 4. And I completely agree that where Adam failed, Christ prevailed. There are warnings in Scripture about adding to it. Well done! But what does it really matter, what appears to have happened here (according to some of the responses) is that golden calves have been kicked over and religion has taken a bump on the shins. I appreciate your fidelity to Gods Word. I think we both agree that God doesnt need to appear in human form to bring the animals to Adam or to perform surgery on him. What if they were some sort of Spiritual Being as God and his Son were at the time. The old has . This walking refers to living a life that pleases God. I to am searching regarding worship in OT times and wondered about Adam walking with God. To say that life was good in the Garden of Eden would be an understatement. It is definitely possible that the person in the Garden was the preincarnate Christ. Second, Eve was made from Adams rib (or more accurately side), indicating that they both had physical bodies (Genesis 2:21). Im not a Greek or Hebrew expert, or even a student. I depend on what I can find on sites (currently I use biblehub.com). Either way, prior to sin there was not a fractured relationship between God and man, but there certainly is as a result of sin. Im pointing out that possible understanding of the text. The Bible doesnt tell us how old Cain was when he murdered his brother, but it does give us a potential clue. Garden of Eden story: summary. If we were to narrowly abide only what the text OUTRIGHT affirms of given things, then this inference would be patently erroneous or, at least, unreasonable. Adam and Eve are walking around in the Garden of Eden, and they meet up with this serpent who asks them an interesting question: "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the . Thanks for taking the time to read the blog post and for your kind words. Genesis 3:8 KJV. But there is so much more to the story. If used in this sense, Adam and Eve did "walk" with God prior to sin because there was no fracture in their relationship with God. Blessings! God created Adam and Eve to care for His creation, populate the planet, and have a relationship with Him. Genesis 3:8-9 . Gen 18 - Abraham's discussion and bargaining with the LORD (YHWH) Ex 3 - Moses at the burning bush. Theres no reason to think that they waited 60+ years to have children when they were already husband and wife and were created by God to fulfill the instructions He had given them, including be fruitful and multiply.. I think for me it comes from the song In the Garden, it is a peaceful way to think God is walking with us. http://midwestapologetics.org/blog/?p=1349, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Schnorr_von_Carolsfeld_Bibel_in_Bildern_1860_009.png, https://answersingenesis.org/jesus-christ/incarnation/theophanies-in-the-old-testament/, https://answersingenesis.org/bible-characters/cain/cains-wife-who-was-she/, http://midwestapologetics.org/blog/?p=1747. These were things i highly cherished. Hi Warren, Why werent they mentioned? Not all of the time of course, how else would they have rebelled against Him. They were placed in the Garden of Eden and given everything they needed: food, work, companionship, and fellowship with God as they walked with him in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8). Its encouraging to know that my words have been very helpful for you. God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden where grew the tree of life. I will make a helper suitable for him" ( Genesis 2:18 ). But, like other things, there is truly not a single word to directly support the notion that Adam walked with God in the cool of the day. Sorry for the delayed response. Adam said, I heard the sound of you in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and I hid myself (Genesis 3:10, ESV). Tell everyone with small kids! Hi Ralph, I hope this clarifies my objective in the post. If you want to believe they did, thats totally fine with me. I think you misunderstand what was meant by the possibility of God coming in the wind. Randy Alcorn (@randyalcorn) is the author of over sixtybooks and the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries. 9 The Lord God called to the man and asked him, "Where are you?". 18? Thanks for your question. In all likelihood, it comes from a misunderstanding of or making an inference from Genesis 3:8: And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day (NKJV). As I stated in the post and many times in the comments, I have no trouble believing that they walked with God; I have a problem with people claiming that the Bible says Adam and Eve walked with God, because it doesnt say this. Since they were both born in Genesis 4 (after the expulsion from the Garden), they didnt necessarily have to be 120+ by the year Seth was born. 16 I also will do this unto you I will appoint unto you terror consumption burning ague that shall consume the eyes and cause sorrow of heart and you shall sow your seed in vain your enemies shall eat it17 and I will set my face against you 18 and if you still dont listen to Mei will punish you 7 times more for your sins please not that it is sin that seperates man from god. Weve arrived at a very similar conclusion very recently that Adam and his wife or help-meat very possibly disobeyed their creators command not to eat of the fruit of tree in the midst of the garden the first day they were placed there. Of course, since God is capable of making physical appearances. Lets consider this for a moment? I would argue that angels are probably made in His image as well,. For example, Enoch walked with God (Genesis 5:22, 24) and Noah walked with God (Genesis 6:9). Just because Adam and Eve had no sin they still were not privileged to seeing God in physical form. Hi Ian, Some people have inferred from this statement that they must have known what it sounded like to hear God walk in the Garden so they must have walked with Him before. 5 Now no shrub had yet appeared on the earth[ a] and no plant had yet sprung up, for the Lord God had not sent rain on the earth and there was no one to work the ground, 6 but streams[ b] came up from the . Thank you so much. Job 38:1 states, The YHWH answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said:. I agree that youre right to the extent that believers should be mindful to validate sermons, statements or stories from pastors. Thank you for your thoughts I do understand the whirlwind , but Gen says God made them clothes from an animal to replace mans attempt of covering his nakedness. I can see that cool of the day can be also be breath, spirit, or wind. Maybe this is why pastors and teachers teach it this way (that God regularly walked with Adam and Eve), because they can see from the word study that this was a regular occurrence. Thanks again for reading! I hear it on a regular basis, and many of my coworkers have said it. But at least enough time passed to provide people who lived in Nod and a wife for Cain. He was with them when they were deceived by Satan. If so, Adam and Eve's reaction makes more sense. Regardless of whether you translate the disputed phrase as cool of the day or strong wind, the text still says that God was walking in the cool of the day / wind (of the day). That would be really cool. There are many others that could be added to this list but this illustrates . The Tree of Life was in the Garden was it not? I decided to search the internet to see WHY people believe this. But since God formed (literally squeezed into shape) Adam and breathed into his nostrils and removed one of his ribs and closed up the wound and walked in the garden and spoke to Adam and Eve (and then Cain later on) in a way they could easily understand, the assumption is unavoidable that God was physically there in tangible form. Dont you think that Adam and Eve being new and first created that God would have been extremely close to them ? I dont know if I will recieve a responce or not, but it does not say that God made them skins from animals. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. When Eve gave birth to Seth (at age 130) she viewed him as a replacement for Abel. That certainly could have been the case if God made a physical appearance (called a theophany), as He did in other places (e.g., Genesis 12:7; 18:1. The Bible doesnt say that Cains wife was from Nod. Hi Robert, I am so happy to find your website. Im sure the water God supplied was for the animals as well as the people. Tim- Thank you, as I came searching for information on this before placing and they walked with God in my book I am writing! With that in mind, what makes you say, from the text of Genesis, that the phrase translated cool of the day would be better translated a strong wind? If strong wind is the better translation, when prior to this event did God manifest himself to Adam and Eve in a strong wind in such a way that when they heard the strong wind on this occasion, they knew instantly that it was the sound of God? I too have always heard that God walked with Adam & Eve in the cool of the day every day. In terms of the theological questions of how God could do this, one answer could be that it is an embodied pre-incarnate Christ, the Angel of the Lord, who is himself the Lord and who appears many times in the Old Testament. I think it would be odd for God to first come walking in the garden with Adam and Eve only after they had sinned. This is just another suposition made by humans who try to understand divinly inspired scripture with a flawed human mind. Walked with God is a favorite expression in Genesis, depicting the righteous conduct of Israels heroes, including Enoch, Noah, and Abraham. 21? Never stop, word will not go void! The problem with this claim is that youll never find a Bible verse that teaches it. An additional notable commentary is that God made Adam in His image and likeness, and imbued him with His Spirit the breath of life. But thats not at all what is going on here. Genesis 3:8. 00:00. They hid when they heard God; however it was that they heard Him. So I wouldnt personally address this part of Adam walking with God or not unless the message was ill. Hi Bryan, Also, its hard to know how much preprogramming Adam and Eve may have had when they were created and how much they needed to learn. They may have walked with Him prior to the Fall, but it just doesnt say that. why couldnt it have been Jesus walking in the garden. If the voice of God walking in the garden caused them to run and hide because of disobedience, sin, judgement. God does not require a garden to have a direct relationship with man, so I dont see how the fact that God created a garden would have anything to do with whether they had a direct relationship (and by extension, that they walked together). I went to church this past Sunday and my pastor who is pretty good with the Word of God and quick to say if he is wrong said he had a revelation thats god ohyically walked with Adam and Eve and as he spoke my discernment clearly was NO THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. Could Adam and Eve have actually taken walks with God in the Garden? Here is a portion of what I wrote on page 72 of my book, Fallen. However, most people inevitably mention them walking in the cool of the day, so they arent thinking of it in the figurative sense. God told them to be fruitful and multiply. I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid.". Instead of adding our own ideas to Scripture and stating them dogmatically and demanding apologies from anyone who disagrees, perhaps we should learn to deal carefully with the word of God. Im not making an accusation here, but I do want to help people avoid making this mistake. That would be what we today would consider a lifetime of experiencing Gods faithfulness and guidance, only to throw it away in a single day! This is why Christians generally believe that all human life is precious. 00:00. I plan to search through it much more. Like I mentioned before, I dont have a problem with the idea that they may have walked with God in the garden. At the same time, Adam understood what God meant when He spoke to him, so there clearly was some preprogramming that occurred when God created him. All the details of exactly how god walked with them are so plain to see that blind Freddy can see it. Thats the one where I spend time talking about the angelic beings they may have the... Hear that made them skins from animals our purpose for being that possible understanding of the whirlwind asks if. Validate sermons, statements or stories from pastors hiding from was one they were without.! And Eve got to literally hang out with God in the garden was the sound God. 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In it objective in the garden translator bias, can complicate getting a understanding... Doesn & # x27 ; t say they viewed God with their eyes,... Garden where grew the tree, but he already knows the answer I too have heard. At least enough time passed to provide people who lived in Nod and wife..., face to face Bible verse that teaches it? & quot ; because he served! For a main point itself hi Ed, and have a problem with particular... I think your comments were probably addressing this point though ( http: //midwestapologetics.org/blog/? p=1747.. Eve gave birth to Seth ( at age 130 ) she viewed Him as a replacement Abel. Were hiding from was one they were deceived by Satan objective in the garden with Adam and Eve no... Him and our first parents walking with people normally suggests closeness and intimacy and fellowship I looked in,! 1:28 ) a figurative sense in mind when they heard God ; he then knew evil because he heard the! Naked, so did the people happy to find out why God made we! Youll never find a Bible verse that teaches it I hope this my!, sin, judgement your comments were probably addressing this point though ( http //midwestapologetics.org/blog/... Adam from the Lord meant by the possibility of God immediately after our first parents Abraham of judging Sodom Gomorrah... Provide people who lived in Nod and a wife for Cain you find it, let know! An amazing thing to be fruitful and multiply ( Genesis 5:22, 24 ) and Noah took... For Adam to know Gods voice totally fine with me the Father this! Knew evil because he once served God ; he then knew evil because he heard was the preincarnate Christ almost! And our first parents 130 ) she viewed Him as a replacement for Abel it does not that.

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god walked with adam and eve in the garden